Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Mdm Yee gives extra points to people for saying she is Beautiful.

Today very shiok lah, skipped school. At least, for the first half of the day.
Eh, no no! I'm not a bad kid okay, I didn't pon school. What were you thinking?! It's because today choir have SYF rehearsal at VCH.

Okay, so went to school as per normal. Then went to music room, saw many people there already. Then bused to VCH. It's kind of eerie there(when the lights are off), and I hate the smell there ._. But deco quite nice, X: Can see the SSR standing at the entrance, LOL.
So anyw, went there, did our warmups, then blahblah(Lazy type out). Got audition again x.x Like ohmy lah. But I got in again, so it's like phewwww. Then blahhhhh(Sorry, I knw I'm a lazy pig), bused back to school.

Took my bag from music room and went back to class. Having chemistry ._. Got back our papers. I passed :D:D Then realised I got back my SS paper also, I passed too! :D Only fifteen people out of my class of 38 passed, and I am one of them! So happy, lolol. WAIT! I'm not trying to haolian hor!

Then I saw a Physics paper on my table, so I asked, "This is the Physics CT paper right?" Then, "OMG, I FAILED!" Then TLZ say, "We haven't even take our Physics paper yet, how to give back?" and gave the lame face. I didn't realise at all lah! == It was actually the class test.

Then Amath. Jonathan told me that Mdm Yee is taking over the 2 English periods also. Then I was like wth lah x.x I was complaining, then TLZ say I very good already, only got 3 periods of math, while they got 5 periods. I only have 3 periods, cause I missed 2 periods due to the rehearsal. BUT! This is a bad thing okayy x.x Cause I couldnt understand what they were doing during the 3 periods! ):

And then, Mdm Yee wanted to wake us up. So played some lame games. We were playing Pass-the-message. Then got one group despo, so just wrote: 'Mdm Yee is beautiful' on the whiteboard. And guess what? Mdm Yee gave their group 50 points ==

And then~ Bused home with JiaXin, she came over again :D She very upset about the fact that she lost 1mark in her Chem paper cause she didn't label her beaker. (p/s: She told me to post der, LOL) And just now she is doing her stupid math homework. So I was "ignored" for a few hours. Until now. Now, Ng Jia Xin is watching my bro play PSP. LOLOLL.
Additional info: My bro is playing Rocka-doodle-doo, that hyper girl wanted me to add, LOL.

Righhhht, I don't want type anymore, lolol :/